Lexy Wedding Cake (Unframed)
Lexy Wedding Cake (Unframed)
Each cake design is a journey into the imagination and in some ways, perhaps, a portrait of the mind of its maker.
Ok! I wanted to take a minute to send over the cake concept and sketch. Apologies that it’s taken me longer than I thought. Deron and I have had trouble coordinating schedules to complete it before now! But anywho I digress 😂
Ok, so we went with the scale we discussed. The five tier 6 8 10 12 14. Each tier is 4 inches tall. For the background color of the fondant i pulled the peach ribbon color from our main inspiration image. From this image I also pulled the ranunculus, roses, tulip, white freesia, white snakehead fritillaries, and sweet peas. Instead of using the eucalyptus, I have subbed it out for various grasses. The grasses I went by are ornamental grasses that can be grown alongside flowers in the garden since I thought that made sense since we went with actual floristry and garden florals vs. complete wild flowers. Feel of wildflowers but with actual garden florals. The grasses are golden oat grass. Stipa, Miscanthus morning glory . Since the original inspiration image has a lot of white and some airy bits. I did a section of white angels rod flower. And then white gaura throughout. The white gaura technically has raspberry on some of the buds. This is interspersed with all of the grass. I wanted to keep it less dense like you said. So, all the grasses are on a thin hair like scale which we will have to experiment with as it builds on our current knowledge of the sugar grasses but we have not done yet. Really the cake was supposed to have a feel of wildflower field but with the flowers and colors of those flowers that you love and I think it turned out slightly still life esque because I believe the florals seem mainly spring oriented in one way but in the color palette we love and then the grasses and things a little more fall. So, it is very much imaginative still life to some degree which I like. Let me know what you think!