Sugar Poppy Cake in Virginia (Unframed)
Sugar Poppy Cake in Virginia (Unframed)
Each cake design is a journey into the imagination and in some ways, perhaps, a portrait of the mind of its maker.
Hi Evelyn,
I wanted to send over the final colored sketch. As discussed, the cake will be covered in fluttering poppies on long stems in colors of the collages we discussed. Burgundy is closed throughout not only in the poppy color but in shading throughout on the poppies even the more shaded colors as in the collage. The filler that is light and airy is also burgundy. I think that the colors look very dimensional. Dramatic on the long sculptural stems and somehow still romantic light and free. There is mood there which Olivia seemed to want. The feel is like the wildflowers you mentioned. I did the fondant color the color of the poppy background which is almost white to most people but I think knocking it down a shade from bright white will flow better with the flower colors and overall feel of the design. The green of the swatches that Olivia sent was incorporated through as shading on the stem and leaf colors.